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FITNESS BUTTERFLY -The Top 5 Foods for Healthy Skin

Keep your skin healthy?
Fitness butterfly – With people about the world spend billions dollars on products skincare every year, you would think that cosmetic manufacturers have procreated the fountain of youth in the laboratory. Fitness butterfly – In reality, skin creams have become more expensive and less supported real science.
Fitness butterfly – As with most health benefits, is the lifestyle, besides how much you can afford to drop on products. Fitness butterfly – Things you can do to beautify the skin are very like to what you can do to strengthen your heart, control your weight, lift your mood and live longest and better: Exercise regularly, get plenty sleep and eat well. Naturally, what you can eat to improve skin tone, texture, consistency and clarity perhaps different from what you eat to annul, for example, heart disease.
Fitness butterfly – These foods can dramatically better skin for a fraction of the price of expensive cosmetic or dermatologist visits:
1. Fitness butterfly – Green tea:
– Green tea is fat in antioxidants that reduce excitation and protect cell membranes. Fitness butterfly – It’s been shown to reduce the damage of burns and overexposure to ultraviolet light, which reduces the risk of skin cancer. Green tea is deep in poly phenols – combines that eliminate cancer-causing free radicals.
Recent research by scientists at the Medical College of Georgia shows that the amplest poly phenols in green tea EGG – also acts as a « fount of youth » of sorts for skin by reactivating dying skin cells. Fitness butterfly – Also its healthy skin, green tea is as well rich in vitamin C, D and K and riboflavin, zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron.
2.Fitness butterfly – Salmon:
– Salmon – on other fatty fish, walnuts and flaxseed – is rich in healthy fat acids that are essential for healthy skin. Fitness butterfly – All important fatty acids specified Omega-3 helps maintain healthy cell membranes by maintaining the harmful contents and to allow nutrients enter cells and waste output. Fitness butterfly – Omega-s also abridge the body’s production of inflammatory agents that can harm the skin.
Fitness butterfly – The expanded consumption of omega-3 fatty acid rich foods such as salmon will assist keep the skin smooth and youthful. A 1:1 ratio of omega-6 fatty acids omega-3 fatty acids is ideal, just the ratio in the typical American diet is more like 20:01, so increase ingestion of salmon and other fatty fish might help add this ratio is about 1: 1. Salmon is also rich in protein, potassium, selenium and vitamin B.

FITNESS BUTTERFLY -The Top 5 Foods for Healthy Skin

BUTTERFLY, Health and Wellness, FITNESS BUTTERFLY, Fitness, Foods for Healthy Skin